Speaking at SQLSaturday Chicago – 600!

Speaking at SQLSaturday Chicago!

I’m proud to announce that I will be speaking at SQL Saturday Chicago on March 11th 2017! And wow, 600 SQLSaturdays! This one won’t let you down. Check out the amazing schedule!

  If you don’t know what SQLSaturday is, it’s a whole day of free SQL Server training available to you at no cost!

  If you haven’t been to a SQLSaturday, what are you waiting for! <a href="https://www.sqlsaturday.com/600/registernow.aspx">Sign up now</a>!

  My presentation is <strong>“<a href="http://www.sqlsaturday.com/600/Sessions/Details.aspx?sid=56730">Networking Internals for the SQL Server Professional</a>” </strong>

  <a href="http://www.sqlsaturday.com/600/EventHome.aspx"><img loading="lazy" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" title="NewImage.png" src="/images/2017/02/NewImage.png" alt="NewImage" width="116" height="57" border="0" /></a>

  Here’s the abstract for the talk

    Once data leaves your SQL Server do you know what happens or is the world of networking a black box to you? Would you like to know how data is packaged up and transmitted to other systems and what to do when things go wrong?  Are  you tired of being frustrated with the network team? In this session we introduce how data moves between systems on networks and TCP/IP internals. We’ll discuss real world scenarios showing you how your network’s performance impacts the performance of your SQL Server and even your recovery objectives.