Speaking at PSConf EU 2020

I’m proud to announce that I will be speaking at PSConf EU 2020 in Hannover, Germany. The conference runs from 2 June 2020 to 5 June 2020 and brings together some of the titans of the PowerShell community and members of the PowerShell team from Microsoft. 

  This is an incredible event packed with fantastic, deep dive content. <a href="https://psconf.eu/schedule">Check out the amazing schedule</a>! Head on over to the site and <a href="https://psconf.eu/"><strong>register now</strong></a>!

  This year I have two sessions!

  On Thursday<strong>, 2 June at 13:00</strong> &#8211; I’m presenting “<strong>Linux OS Fundamentals for the PowerShell Pro</strong>”

  Here’s the abstract

    PowerShell and SQL Server are now available on Linux and management wants you to leverage this shift in technology to more effectively manage your systems, but you’re a Windows admin, Don’t fear! It’s just an operating system. It has all the same components Windows has and in this session, we’ll show you that. We will look at the Linux operating system architecture and show you how to interact with and manage a Linux system. By the end of this session, you’ll be ready to go back to the office and get started working with Linux.
    In this session, we’ll cover the following <br /> &#8211; Service control<br /> &#8211; Package installation<br /> &#8211; System resource management (CPU, disk and memory)<br /> &#8211; Using PowerShell to interact with Linux systems 

  On Friday<strong>, 3 June at 11:00</strong> &#8211; I’m presenting “<strong>Using PowerShell Core Remoting in Cross-Platform Environments</strong>”

  Here’s the abstract

    PowerShell Core is about choice and the transport layer for Remoting is one of those choices. In this session, we’ll look at Remoting in cross-platform environments, installing and configuring OpenSSH and how we can leverage Remoting to really scale up our administrative capabilities.
    In this session, we’ll cover the following<br /> &#8211; Cross-platform Remoting use cases<br /> &#8211; Configuring SSH based Remoting<br /> &#8211; Troubleshooting Remoting

   <a href="https://psconf.eu/"><img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="https://psconf.eu/assets/svg/psconfeu-logo-blue.svg" alt="PS Conf EU logo" width="150" /></a>