New Pluralsight Course – Deploying and Managing Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Networking

My new course “Deploying and Managing Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Networking” is now available on Pluralsight here! If you want to learn about the course, check out the trailer here, or if you’re going to dive right in, check it out here!

Azure Kubernetes Service is a platform-as-a-service that provides Kubernetes Services in the Azure Cloud. This course will teach you to design, configure, and manage networking, services, and disaster recovery in Azure Kubernetes Service.

This course targets IT professionals with existing knowledge of Kubernetes who design and maintain Kubernetes Clusters. This course addresses both administrators and architects that want to learn how to deploy applications using Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS)

Let’s take your Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) networking administration and configuration skills to the next level and get you started now!

The modules of the course are:

  • Designing and Configuring Networking in AKS - In this first module, we’ll start our journey by looking at Designing and Configuring Networking in AKS, where we’ll look at AKS networking models, kubenet, and Azure CNI and learn how to deploy AKS clusters into new and existing networking configurations.

  • Accessing Applications Deployed in AKS - In this module, we’ll learn how to use Services and Ingress controllers to access our applications deployed in our AKS clusters focusing on using Azure Application Gateway Ingress Controller.

  • Designing and Configuring AKS for Business Continuity - In this module, we’ll learn disaster recovery design patterns, with core concepts like how to use availability zones and regions to build resilient application infrastructures and leverage Azure Traffic Manager to failover workloads between AKS Clusters.

Check out the course at Pluralsight!
