
Speaking at SQLSaturday Chicago – 600!

Speaking at SQLSaturday Chicago! I’m proud to announce that I will be speaking at SQL Saturday Chicago on March 11th 2017! And wow, 600 SQLSaturdays! This one won’t let you down. Check out the amazing schedule! <p> If you don’t know what SQLSaturday is, it’s a whole day of free SQL Server training available to you at no cost! </p> <p> If you haven’t been to a SQLSaturday, what are you waiting for!

Friend of Redgate – 2017

I’m excited to announce that I have been named a Friend of Redgate for 2017. The program targets influential people in their respective technical communities such as SQL, .NET and ALM and enables us to participate in the conversation around product and community development. As a multi-year awardee in the program I get to see first hand the continuing dedication Redgate has to the SQL community and to making great software.

Speaking at PowerShell Virtual Group of PASS

This month I’ll be speaking to the PowerShell Virtual Chapter of PASS. The session is on Linux OS Fundamentals for the SQL Admin. At the core of the session we will introduce you to OS concepts like managing files and file systems, installation packages, using PowerShell on Linux, managing system services, commands and processes and system resource management. This session is intended for those who have never seen or have very little exposure to Linux but are seasoned Windows or SQL administrators.

Weekly Newsletter

This week we started our Centino Systems weekly newsletter. Check out the first edition here! The newsletter is going to include the latest in SQL Server and other things in technology that I think are important or interesting…and maybe you will too! So if you’d like to subscribe to the newsletter go ahead and sign up here!

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional – Data Platform

Today, I’m proud to announce that I have been named a Microsoft MVP – Data Platform. This is an exceptional honor and I’m humbled to be included in this group of exceptional data professionals. I really look forward to working with everyone in the MVP community and continuing to contribute to our unmatched SQL Community! What is an MVP? Here’s the definition according to Microsoft Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals, or MVPs, are technology experts who passionately share their knowledge with the community.

Speaking at SQLSaturday Nashville!

Speaking at SQLSaturday Nashville! I’m proud to announce that I will be speaking at SQL Saturday Nashville on January 14th 2017! This will be my first speaking event this year and I look forward to seeing you there! <p> If you don’t know what SQLSaturday is, it’s a whole day of free SQL Server training available to you at no cost! </p> <p> If you haven’t been to a SQLSaturday, what are you waiting for!

5 Must Haves Before You Start Consulting

Please join me at IT/Dev Connections on Oct. 12 at 8:00AM where I’ll be hosting a Birds of a Feather session “Moving to Independent Consulting” Bring your questions!* Yes, an 8:00AM session in Las Vegas, but if you’re serious about going out on your own…you’ll already be up :)* The most common questions I’m asked during networking sessions at technical conferences and events aren’t technical! People want to know what it’s like being an independent consultant.

Speaking at IT/Dev Connections!

I’m proud to announce that I will be speaking at IT/Dev Connections on October 11th 2016 in Las Vegas! I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am to be able to speak at this conference! I look forward to seeing you there! Here’s the information on the talk! Designing High Availability Database Systems using AlwaysOn Availability Groups **Track: **Development Platform Tools and Devops Abstract: Are you looking for a high availability solution for your business critical application?

Speaking at SQLSaturday Baton Rouge!

I’m proud to announce that I will be speaking at SQL Saturday Baton Rouge on August 6th 2016! This will be my forth SQLSaturday event this year and I’m really excited that I get to do it as a speaker. I look forward to seeing you there! If you don’t know what SQL Saturday is, it’s a whole day of free SQL Server training available to you at no cost!

Speaking at SQLSaturday Sacramento!

I’m proud to announce that I will be speaking at SQL Saturday Sacramento on July 23th 2016! This will be my third SQLSaturday event this year and I’m really excited that I get to do it as a speaker. I look forward to seeing you there! If you don’t know what SQL Saturday is, it’s a whole day of free SQL Server training available to you at no cost! If you haven’t been to a SQL Saturday, what are you waiting for!